101 State Street
Charlevoix, MI 49720
Phone: 231-547-9122
Email: office@chxucc.org

Prayer Request Form

Please complete the following form to submit your prayer requests. Include as much detail as possible and use a separate form for each request. Requests can be submitted to the church office, pastor, or a member of the diaconate.

Don’t forget to share both joys and concerns! We want to hear about your anniversaries, new babies, marriages, graduations, retirements, or any other exciting news we can celebrate together!

In order to be added to the prayer list (for the bulletin) this form must be filled out completely with the permission of the person being prayed for – or his/her surrogate/caregiver – and submitted by Wednesday at noon.

Prayer Request Form

Prayer request will automatically expire one month from the date of its submission. Please submit a new updated form if you would like the congregation to continue to pray for the prayee. Thank you!

Would you like a Care Letter sent?

If you need help completing this form, or have any questions please contact the church office. Thank you!

Contact Us: 

Toby Jones, Pastor:
231-547-9122 ext. 202  | toby@chxucc.org

Stacey Luoma, Office Manager:
231-547-9122 ext. 201  office@chxucc.org

Charlevoix Ministerial Association Info:

231-547-9122 ext. 204

Appointments available:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11a – 2p

Sunday Services: 

Please join us for in-person worship each Sunday at 10:30 am with live-streaming options available.  

Office Hours:

Tuesday through Thursday:
9:00 am to 3:00 pm. 

If the church doors are locked during regular office hours, please ring the doorbell. 

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